Thursday, April 22, 2010

UPDATE April 22, 2010

Well, we still don't have the final results but so many people seem to want information about my situation. So, please forgive the mass distribution, but here it is in a nutshell.

I have esophageal cancer (adenocarcinoma, the bad kind) and it is in a late stage (for those of you who are aware of the current staging, it is T3, M1, N1). If you want more information about that, it is available at Wikipedia, but, again in a nutshell, the stage is generally not curable and achieves less than 3% survival for five years.

That being said, they are doing one more test next week (on the lymph nodes in my neck) to establish the protocol which will likely not be surgery or radiation, but chemotherapy.

I am going to reduce some of my non-work activity (theatre directing, etc.) so that I can zero in on getting rid of this thing. I am not interested in "checking out" just yet. While the doctors at the University of Maryland Hospital in Baltimore are good, they don't seem particularly interested in the non-science part of this whole phenomenon.

So I will have to take that on myself.

I will be interested in anyone who knows about alternatives that seem to be good ideas for this particular type of cancer. I already have a few friends/colleagues who have suggested acupuncture, Reiki, a Native American healer and Cancer Centers of America (they seem to be more apt to include non-traditional treatments as well as traditional). Unfortunately, the Cancer Centers of America have about the same rate as the rest of the world in dealing with this cancer.

I don't want people to think that I am not interested in "talking" on the phone. It is just that I have so many people to converse with that this seemed a bit more "efficient" although less personal. You are welcome to comment on this blog; I will be checking it.


  1. Holy smokes, Bob. I'm so sorry to hear this news. Please know you've got my best wishes and my family's prayers.

  2. You know what I offer you. We are holding you in positive energy and thoughts. Just remember...anything can heal. I really believe that and have seen it happen.

  3. Bob:

    You are one in a million, so you definitely can beat 3%

  4. Uncle Bob,

    We will keep praying for you and will check back for updates.

    Doug & Heather

  5. Dear Bob:

    This news leaves me breathless. There are many of us who are so not interested in you "checking out." Your many friends are on your side and together with your good spirit and endless energy we will fight the enemy. With love, Anne Barker

  6. Dear Bob, Thinking of you all day and sending support and encouragement.
    Ran home quickly to read the blog and follow up on my earlier email. In addition to hoping subsequent tests are encouraging I'm thinking of all the ways you'll fight this in addition to the biomedical testing and treatment you will be going through. So here is where my mind has turned in addition to your usual doctors;

    By reputation this is a very good program and I know and I very much like it's director:
    Dr Brian Berman

    I'll be in touch with him and see what he has to say and you can decide if/when this is of interest.

    Even though you must focus on jumping through the various hoops needed to get through this diagnostic phase, these CAM approaches could be of real use in strengthening your body for a better response to chemo etc. I'll investigate and meantime just send lots of love to my wonderful, wise and resilient cousin, Connie

  7. Bob - this news is devastating. Our prayers are with you.

    University of Maryland is very good but you may also want to try Dr. Roslyn Juergens at the Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins. She specializes in esophageal and lung cancer. She is Jane's Oncologist and in fantastic in all respects. I have no doubt that you will be impressed with her knowledge, personality and caring.

  8. We will be praying for you Uncle Bob - stay positive and may God give you wisdom about what to try and endurance to persevere the journey ahead. Lots of love coming your way - we are on "team beat Bob's cancer."

    April, Cliff and Baby Evan

  9. Hi Bob,
    Here are the links we were talking about earlier today.

    the clinical trials info link:

    The blog is a great idea! Much love, Lynda

  10. I've sent word out to my list, asking anyone with recommdations to post them here. You are in my prayers, with thanks for your support of my playwriting over the years. Robert Moulthrop

  11. My friend (and director of Half Life) Teresa K. Pond reports as follows:

    my dad had it. the recommendation for him was to remove the esophogus completely which they did. he went to Univ of Washington for the procedure, and they were great. fantastic surgeon there.

  12. another friend suggested a macrobiotic diet, which I believe others have also suggested.

  13. Bob,
    Well, that is certainly distressing news! If there is anyone I know, though, who will be able to fight this thing successfully, it is you! I know that UMD is an excellent place to be treated and they are certainly expert and experienced with all that current research has to offer.
    Years ago, I did a little scientific collaboration (in my time at the Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory) with folks at Kimmel and they also are uniformly outstanding.
    Just get the best treatment possible, fight this thing as aggressively as you can, and remember that you still have many important plays to direct and puzzles to write.
    And if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.
    All of our best wishes are with you.
    John Sadowsky

  14. Bob,
    Very sorry too hear. As a cancer survivor myself, I know what you will be going through.
    You need to get in touch with your local Wellness Community. Look in their buddy book and talk with others that have had esophageal cancer.
    2nd eliminate all sugar from your diet as well as soft drinks (even "sugar free") and red meat. They make your system acidic and cancer thrives in an acidic environment. Have Barbara call me for ideas. Yes accupuncture is very good to improve your body's responce to the chemo and to lessen the side effects.
    Will be praying for you too.

  15. Among other things, I'm a fan of the Blood Type Diet. I seem to remember you once told me you were Type B. the book "Live Right 4 Your Type" it says that Type B has a higher risk for oral and esophageal cancers. "The Blood Type Encyclopedia" lists 4 anti-cancer herbal protocols according to Blood Type, and "Eat Right 4 Your Type" says Type B Blood is more likely to survive cancer than any other blood type. It also says Type B's should avoid chicken and beef and eat lamb, rabbit and venison. I'll bring all three books by this weekend.

    There is also the work of Mona Lisa Schulz to listen to. She's a medical intuitive. From what I hear she's right on target, and her wisdom echo's Ancient Chinese
    Wisdom tradition, accupuncture's foundation. Let me know if you want to borrow my CD set.

    Finally there are the Great Courses Lectures. In "The Human Body, How We Fail, How We Heal," the lectures explore the environmental causes of cancer, the specific steps in its molecular biology, and strategies for treating its different forms. Although we've not purchased these particular lectures, John has gathered quite a library. Others I've listened to are excellent and make driving to work an entirely different experience.

    I end now with one more comment. I've never read such disconcerting news told with such grace. You are a fine man, Bob Russell and we will rally around you and Barbara like no one else has done before. Keep this in mind: Every time you stop and take a few long, slow, and deep breaths we are all breathing with you.
    - Suzie

  16. another friend of a friend reported working with a Dr. Zho in Boston in 2005 on a treatment that involved a cysplatin/CPT-11 combination. Sorry, but I don't know what hospital Dr. Zho is/was affiliated with.

  17. Hi Bob,
    Doing some research I found this amazing site with so much info on alternative methods for fighting esophogeal cancer.

  18. My dearest Bob, your Bogota High teacher Jo Puglisi is thinking about you and wishing you the best through this ordeal and praying that they find a way to arrest the cancer. May God bless you and I will continue to pray for you. I tried 2 times to send this message, but you know I was only a gym teacher and threw out the ball and said, play. Ha! Ha! Not really true. Love, Jo P

  19. The McGing's are here if you need us. I am so sorry that you have to go through this!

  20. Bob, please let me know if I can do anything to help you and Barbara.

  21. Oh dear, Bob, I can't believe what is happening to my friend from Lafayette Avenue! As a three-time cancer survivor myself (not esophageal, however), I empathize with all you are going through. You are in my prayers. If you didn't see the article in the AARP Bulletin about alternative cancer therapies, here's a link to it.
    Don't give in or up -- keep on fighting, and know we are all fighting with and for you.

    Nancy Schnaars Hall

  22. Hi Bob! Wow -- I'm sorry to hear this -- however, if anyone can beat this thing, you can. All positive energies are headed your way. Blessings, Kathy

  23. Bob, Barbara and the boys;
    Sorry to hear the struggle you're facing and I know that all of the positive energy you have sent out into the world will come back a thousand fold!
    Prayers are powerful too and, in addition to those, I'll be asking my medical intuitive friend to see what messages she comes up with.
    Love to all of you!

  24. Dear Bob,
    Like all of your many friends, Alex and I are saddened to hear the news. But we also know that if anyone can beat this you can. Our thoughts are with you, Barbara and your family. If we can help in any way, please just call.
    All of our love,
    Susan and Alex David

  25. Dear Bob,
    Bummer news..So sorry that you have to deal with this..But your host of friends will be with you in person and in spirit.May your light SHINE brother..
    Your Friend,
    Jimmy Adair

  26. Okay, so I thought this would be a great time for some really funny one liners but...I don't know any. So I'm left with telling you 3 things (PK said there were always 3 things) 1.If laughter is truly the best medicine you'll be cured in no time since you're the funniest person I know. 2. When reading the other comments I discovered you and I have the same blood type so if you need a pint--blood or otherwise--give me a call. 3. I love you Bob Russell and you'll be in my thoughts and prayers while you overcome this. Hugs from both Steve and I. Pam

  27. Bob,

    I am so sorry to hear about the diagnosis, but I know you will fight this with everything you have, and you will be in my thoughts and prayers. We will be thinking good thoughts for you. If I can help let me know.

  28. Bob,
    Tricia and I send our best to you. Keep positive and anything is possible. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you.
    Shaun & Tricia
